Oh,whatever! I don't give a damn :) I stopped caring long ago. .
Hey there! Go on if you like. I write what I want. You have no rights here <3 Welcome to my blog.It's kinda boring,you can leave if you feel to.
I love me,myself & I. I don't bite through monitors!

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I am ME
I just turned 17 last 3rd March. I miss my high school life. I'm still a child inside. I look really mature if you know my real age. I think college might be fun XD College and uni are nightmares! Those aren't as fun as I thought,it's all works and works.

Feeling : Down .______.
Eating : Food <3
Doing : Sleeping.
Watching : Kyuhyun's fancams.
Listening to : Dreaming Hero - K.R.Y
Fangirl-ing : Kyuhyun, Song Joong Ki
go to SM Town concert asdfghjkl. I still can't believe it.
♪ Kyu HUGE poster
♫ lomo camera

Daily Reads
Dear twinnie!(Tiara)
PEPPER-LOVER a.k.a Helen

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Something productive.
Written at Friday, February 17, 2012 | back to top

I have always been planning to have a productive holiday. Not needed to mention of course, I always fail. So,this time I finally did something useful XD I learn how to knit. Through all the pictures, blogs and of course the most helpful one,videos. It takes me awhile to really get what they are trying to do. I watch the same video repeatedly for like Idk how many times and never more I wish that Youtube have the slow mo settings. The really expert knitters are like super fast,really really fast and sometimes their fingers are blocking the view or they took the video from an angle where I can hardly see which loop they are taking. After all the hard works, I did it. I even learn how to do a stockinette stitch and garter stitch. Garter stitch is like basically the same knit stitch through all the rows while stockinette, you alternate it. Knit and purl. So yeah,google it to get a picture how to do it XD My knitting is not that tidy yet but hey,I'm working on it. Isn't there a quote saying 'learn something new everyday'? So yeah,I'm doing it. Knitting is so fun. Like seriously. :D and I'm gonna learn how to crochet. My mum knows how to do it and she is like pro. Super fast,eye blinding, ninja moves, ninja hands, etc. I also just know that you can make a scarf by crocheting. And crochet patterns is so cute,like little braids over and over and over again. Off topic, how I wish I can take some pictures and post it here so that like in 10 years,when I look through my blogs, I can really play the memory back in my mind. Haha. But too bad, my web camera is like having ants all over it and I'm way too lazy to transfer the pictures from my phone.
Anyway,although I'm, like literally new to knitting, I already have my first student. Introducing Debby XD But she is like making hell lots of cast on(cast on are really really easy and fun), making her 'scarf' really really wide. Taking more times to make more rows. I am redoing my knit to a smaller one it will look tidier and more ready XD
Ciao, gonna brush up my knitting skills XD
Written at Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | back to top

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Sometimes, you lie to people. You did not tell them the truth. Not because you want to. Sometimes, it might be just because they won't believe you. Or they might come up with more questions that you don't even know how to answer.

Since,it's Valentine's gonna quote an awesome movie.
' I love how she makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it.'
For me, I love how he makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it.
That is how.

Lately, when I'm taking an elevator, I will think about how clumsy I am I can just fall flat on my face and injured myself there, worst, killed myself. I suddenly fear looking down or looking up. Fear that I might just suddenly have a headache. What's wrong with me.
Happy Tuesday people!
Written at Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | back to top

I don't get the Valentine's Day hypes. Maybe because I'm single and I love it (using 'I'm sexy and I know it' tone XD). Honestly,I very much want to be in a relationship, but I can't see why I should rush it or like accept some guys who I feel better as my friend than a boyfriend. Okay,I know,if you never given them a chance, how would you know that they are better off as friends? So are you asking me to go out with all my guy friends? See, it doesn't make sense right? In my opinion, when you see him, you just know, you will get the feeling. :) And they are so many jerks out there,be it a boy or a girl. I know some,befriend some, so yeah, take a good look. I want to be in a relationship where you feel at ease,not have some control freak as your boyfriend, thank you very much but no. I rather have no boyfriend but suffer in the relationship,be it mentally or physically. I don't really want to have a relationship where you know there's only one side who is taking it seriously. Idk, maybe they didn't know this side of the other halves before. You can't just say 'I want to break up with you.' without any reason right? I feel bad at those people. These are the times that I feel really blessed being single XD People call it Valentine's Day, I call it Tuesday or Monday or Wednesday or etc,depending on the year. This year,the most ridiculous thing is there are some people who want to ban/are banning Valentine's Day,saying it will lead to 'unhealthy' relationship of teenagers. Make sense? Idk,I thought there are far far far far far more important issues to think about, to be considered, to be brought up to spotlights or to be solved. I don't get why they have to bring the whole VDay thingy. I'm gonna spend this year VDay with the same person, every year since like High School, with the one and only Debby Chesilya Wijaya XD This year is different though, we are very much 'freelancers' now :D This year too we have someone else joining us for the very last minute of VDay. That person is Isabel XD We are gonna watch 'This Means War'. Three of us,all the single ladies going out on VDay XD
Melaka is fine. It used to be so much funner though. Haha. I miss school/college so much. Seriously, I need a job or sth. I'm like super bored -.- At first I'm gonna make an emo post,but well, why today, where a lot of people are celebrating their happiness and I'll ruin it? :D So Happy Valentine's Day people, to the couples, singles, families, friends, acquaintances, etc :D